We Rise! We Rise! We Rise Together!"  UNCSW Panel

We rose together! This metaphor certainly is fitting,  stated Jean Shinoda Bolen. It was a really fine panel, as each of us spoke eloquently about what we have individually spent years doing that would be furthered by a UN 5th World Conference on Women, with the humming sound of the Tibetan bell connecting us with each other and the audience at the heart level, and Rosemary William's introduction of us as a panel of committed people echoing the tone set by the bell with words. Something magical happened such as when people improvise around a theme in music, each contributing a solo, and the result is a one-time performance, which is a privilege to have participated in or to have been there. Elly Pradervand sharing her time with her SEVA awardee, did not miss a beat, and fit into the whole composition.

It was unexpected to hear several of you speak of your appreciation to me for carrying the 5WCW banner all this time, and receiving from Ambassador Chowdhury a 1325 pin, after he had described getting the "women, peace, and security” resolution #1325 passed by the Security Council. It is in need of political will to carry out the principles that could be generated by 5WCW.

Ambassador Chowdhury answered the question that has stop efforts to have a 5WCW.  It was believed that a Fifth World Conference would change the Platform for Action document.  Fortunately his answer was videotaped and this misconception can be put to rest.  https://youtu.be/_4PBmJ82POs   
