Elinore Detiger

Elinore Detiger, who has dedicated most of her life to global and international work with the hope of helping to create a better world. Have worked quietly behind the scenes with a banner of service which says: NO CHALLENGE IS TOO GREAT — NO CONTRIBUTION IS TOO SMALL.

Donna L. Goodman

Author of Ecomasters: A Planet in Peril www.ecomastersbooks.com; Founder of Earth Child Institute and Donna Goodman Productions at www.donnagoodman.com. Program Director for Swarovski Waterschool, Programme Advisor in the Water, Environment and Sanitation Section at UNICEF and author of UNICEF Water Alert! Interactive Game and Every Body Counts, Every Drop Matters: United Nations Classroom Resource Guide on Water. Mom of Stacey, Lindsey and Elliot and grandmother of Emma< Sophia, Dayton and Luka!!!

Nancy Grandfield

Ancestor in training, pilgrim, MC hospitality convener, conference coordinator, wife, mother, sister, friend, enabler, and lover of human/animal-kind.

Judy Grosch

Tutor, translator, poet, concert organizer, wife, mother, grandmother. Had Jean introduce MC to women in Munich. She organized the first memorial celebration for starving prisoners from a Bavarian concentration camp packed into a train that had stopped in her village just days before the end of WW II. Currently tutors Syrian and Afghani refugee children now living in her village.

Elly Pradervand

President / CEO - Women’s World Summit Foundation (WWSF)
Swiss White Ribbon Campaign and Circles of Compassion
Email: wwsf@wwsf.ch - Web: www.woman.ch
UN ECOSOC consultative status
